I'm honored that Back to Schoolin' is nominated for an award by the ARSC, The Association for Recorded Sound Collections. They give out awards annually for excellence in historical recorded sound research. I am currently unaware of how they know of my book, but am certainly pleased to be recognized. Again, this is a nomination, not an award. But, it's an honor just to be nominated. Hmmm...I'd swear I've heard that somewhere before.
Subject: Association of Recorded Sound Collections Awards for Excellence
Dear Kevin
I am very pleased to inform you that your book, Back to Schoolin': What Led Zeppelin Taught Me About Music, has been nominated for the 2010 Association for Recorded Sound Collections Awards for Excellence in Historical Recorded Sound Research.
Our judges will choose a short list of finalists, and ultimately, one winner in each category. Finalists will be announced at ARSC's national conference in New Orleans in May. Our goal, quite simply, is to recognize and draw attention to the finest work being published on the subject of recorded sound.
Further information about ARSC and the awards, including a list of past winners, is available at: http://www.facebook.com/l/b339f;www.arsc-audio.org and http://www.facebook.com/l/b339f;www.arsc-audio.org/awards/index.html.